I am Tanja Duranovic.

About Me
I was born in 1981 in Zagreb, where I spent part of my childhood, as a ten-year-old I came to Serbia, which became my new homeland, and then in 2005 I moved to Germany, where I live and work today. With the Sun in Aries, the subsign in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn, I am someone who is energetic, ambitious but very emotional.
I fell in love with astology in the 90s thanks to my mom, who was a big fan of Milje Vujanović at the time. In my teenage years, I start learning astrology, and then come first loves, disappointments, jobs, moving, marriage, children, losses and everything that life brings.
When facing life's challenges, I asked myself, how much do I actually know myself?
Why certain situations happen to me, why I always attract the same people in my life were questions to which I had no answers.
In searching for those answers, I begin with an education in astrology and psychology.
My learning continues even today because I am guided by the saying that knowledge is man's greatest wealth...
"Johannes Kepler" Institute
I acquired knowledge of natal, predictive and relationship astrology from Professor Aleksandar Imširagić (ISAR) within the "Johannes Kepler" Institute, which meets the standards set by ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research).
in 2021
Institute "Astrobalance"
From the internationally certified professional astrologer (ISAR CAP) and ISAR's global representative for Serbia, Zorana Stanojević, I gain basic knowledge for creating and interpreting children's horoscopes, with a focus on the most important sensitive points in the first years of raising a child and achieving harmony in the family.
"Corona" Institute
From the internationally certified professional astrologer (ISAR CAP) professor Aleksandra Ralić, I gain knowledge related to fixed stars, karmic and mundane astrology.
in 2022
ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge
I am completing the basics of DNA ThetaHealing with Professor Vesna Tokin
Institute for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies
I am completing the basics of Freud's psychoanalysis and the basics of psychotherapy at the Institute for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies with: Professor Žarko Trebješanin, PhD, Professor Milan Popov and Psychologist Nebojša Maksimović
I am perfecting the basics of natal and predictive astrology with the professional astrologer Professor Jovana Bogoslovov
Kod astrologa Jelene Studen Vojvodić i Igora Ognjenovića pohađala sam razne kurseve iz oblasti astrologije.